Get answers to frequent questions!

Why is this not a scam or rug pull?

The first being, we have doxxed ourselves willingly from day one! Our face and names are behind this project because we stand behind it. Liquidity is locked, dev wallets are vested and exempt from reflections. We have no way of stealing from this project or dumping it, if we wanted to we couldn’t! If you have any further concerns, please please reach out to us! Honesty, transparency, and integrity have been our mantra from day one, and we mean it.

Is this a honeypot? Can I sell anytime?

You can sell at anytime! This is not a honeypot! There are no sell restrictions of any kind in our contract. No max sells, no wallet % sells, nothing! You are free to sell as much as you'd like whenever you'd like! Your money is always in your control! Check out our contract on honeypot scanners here!

Do the Devs own a lot of tokens?

No, the team received 2.5% of the supply. That is locked through Pinksales vesting locker. It can all be viewed publicly through BSCscan. and the Pinksale presale pool.

What is the marketing wallet for ?

The marketing wallet has 2.5% of the supply. This has been allocated for influencers, project partners, giveaways, airdrops, and other marketing/team purposes. One of our marketing strategies is to reach out to large influencers and partners, compensating them in Green Chart. What better way to encourage someone to promote our project, when they themselves are invested into it? This is enticing because it can lead to exponential gains for them + having them apart of our community!

Are there going to be regular, Live AMM’s?

Yes, the team will be conducting regular live AMA’s based on you, the community! We will have a reddit thread where users can submit their questions/comments and we will go through them on a livestream! No avoiding the tough questions! We will answer it all!

Can I ask questions that concern me? Or will I be banned for FUD?

You can always ask questions that concern you! We do ask that you do so respectfully and professionally, and if you can, try to talk to a staff member directly first. We invite hard questions, we have nothing to hide or any ill intent in our project, so there are no such things as hard questions. We will be doing regular live AMA’s, true live AMA’s where we sit and ask real questions by you guys, not screened or picked. The strongest part of any project is the community, and the only way to grow that is by having full transparency and trust in the team.

Last updated